Call Out for the No Border Camp in July 2016 in Thessaloniki

presented by critique’n’act

Beyond Borders – make fortress Europe history.
07. Mai +++ AZ Conni +++ 16 Uhr
Vortrag, Diskussion, Kurzfilmpremiere

Call for the Camp by Beyond Europe

In May, two comrades from the antiauthoritarian platform Alpha Kappa (Αντιεξουσιαστική κίνηση, Antieksousiastiki Kinisi, antiauthoritarian movement) are on a tour to inform about the camp and call for action. Alpha Kappa is part of the Beyond Europe network and of the local camp assembly in Thessaloniki. We want to inform you about the ideas of the Camp and the Beyond Europe Barrio and discuss it with you. Furthermore we will show a short film about the Beyond Europe Camp and the actions that took place in 2015.

The famous narrative of Europe sounded like a fairy tale and a happily-ever-after: peace after two World Wars, “understanding between peoples” and “prosperity for everyone”. In 2016 this myth has once again proven to be a farce. The divide between the rich and the poor continues to grow in this systematic crisis ofcapitalism. To speak of “democracy” is nothing but cynical and European integration is nothing more than a bad joke. Across almost all regions reactionary forces are gaining strength, borders and walls are once again being built up and become increasingly militarized.

Especially at the external borders more and more people from all over the world are hindered from continuing their flight. We all have seen it. The “Balcan route” is blocked. Borders are closed. The suffering in the refugee’s home countries also stems from the aggressive politics of European states and produce apocalyptic images from “inside” and “outside”. The situation in Eidomeni and on the Greek islands is alarming. This catastrophe is man-made and comes as no surprise. While we live in prosperity, tens of thousands of people are forced to wait in the rain and mud. This treatment of refugees is without any doubt inhumane, other words would not do this situation justice. Last summer Greece was made to choose between bankruptcy and continuing with the austerity measures imposed by the EU which caused poverty and desperation for hundreds of thousands. Now, Greece has become Europe’s bouncer, cooperating with the autocratic Turkish regime.

But there are also many people, who actively fight against this policyof marginalization and exclusion in this capitalist Europe. From the 15th to the 24th of July a No Border Camp will take place in Greece. On the campus of the University of Thessaloniki we want to create a space to discuss, exchange ideas, network and carry out actions.