Delegation trip Greece [personal stories I]

In Mytilini, the capital of the island Lesbos, we meet Fatima and Assad. Both of them have stayed for some days in the NoBorder Camp. They share their experiences of the flight, the situation in their home countries and the expectations towards an Europe, which refuses the entry for both of them.

“Yes, you are humans…but without papers.”

Fatima, 31 – came from Morocco via Turkey to Lesbos

For her narratation she gets the requested support from Islam (23) from Egypt with whom she travels together. Both were not allowed to stay in the state camp Moria (see our report Lesbos I) any longer, cause they haven’t obtain the documents for a 30-days residential permit. However, without these papers it’s not possible to buy tickets for the ferry to leave the island. To refuse them the issue documents is thus a complete illegalisation and deprivation of rights.

A few days after the interview we meet Fatima and Islam again. Up to this time they already tried to cross the greek-macedonian border by means of smugglers but failed. Now they are back in Athens and report about their first border crossing which was blocked by macedonian cops.

“Open the border for Pakistanis, too.”

Assad, 27 came from Pakistan via Iran and Turkey to Lesbos.

Assad is closely involved in the activites and organisation of the camp. Here he waits for his onward journey to Athens as well.