Europe – Nothing but a shame – Statements by youngsters from Moria

Hier teilen wir den Beitrag der antiautoritären europaweiten Plattform Beyond Europe

english version

Seit mehr als zwei Wochen befinden sich die Jugendlichen von fridays for future in Deutschland im Hungerstreik. Von Anfang an versuchten sie aus Deutschland Kontakt zu den Jugendlichen im Flüchtlingslager Moria aufzunehmen. Auf einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz am 19. Mai haben Jugendliche aus dem Lager Moria sehr bewegende Erklärungen vorbereitet und verlesen. Zwei Jugendliche aus der deutschen Kleinstadt Landau riefen unter dem Namen “Colored Rain” dazu auf sich ihrem Protest anzuschließen. Eher gesagt als getan: Ein weiterer Hungerstreik einer Person aus Dresden folgte. Auch in Trier beteiligten sich zwei weitere Aktivisten an der Aktion. Am 19. Mai wurde der Hungerstreik in Landau mit einem Protestmarsch in die Landeshauptstadt Mainz beendet. Dort wurden ihre Forderungen symbolisch an die Landesregierung übergeben. Zuvor hatte der Aktivist aus Dresden seine Aktion bereits beendet, waehrend der Hungerstreik in Trier weitergeht.

Die Jugendlichen kritisierten vor allem die Untätigkeit der Politiker*innen bei der Umsetzung der Forderung nach einer Evakuierung der Lager. Auch wenn der Hungerstreik nun teilweise beendet ist, ist der Austausch zwischen den jungen Genoss*innen aus Deutschland und Moria weiterhin aktiv. Dies ist eine wichtige Sache, um sich gegenseitig zu stärken und ein gemeinsames Verständnis für einen gemeinsamen Kampf gegen das Grenzregime zu schaffen.

Die Situation hat sich nicht verbessert. Das europäische Migrationsregime ist zu tief unmenschlich, Moria ist ein Beispiel dafür. Lasst uns also gemeinsam kämpfen, um der Politik der Ausgrenzung und Entmenschlichung entgegenzuwirken. Die Worte der jungen Menschen in Moria fordern uns auf, diesen Kampf nicht aufzugeben!

Alireza (17)
Moria Refugee Camp, Greece, 19th of May

Usually people describe happiness as improvement, or they say if you want to have a happy life you should live in the moment, but when I look at my situation in the camp, I realize I am going backward instead of improving and I am experiencing a bad period of life, I don’t know, maybe this is my punishment because of I was born as an immigrant.

Hossain ali (16)
Moria refugee camp, Greece, 19th of May

I’m Hussain Ali. I’m 16 years old and I live in section where they keep minors. Coming from illegal ways is like you accepted a challenge of life or death. When we decided to come from illegal ways I didn’t know this but slowly slowly I knew that coming from this ways is like a suicide but there was no way for us. For being alive we used to accept this challenge and we started as I was a teenager it was hard to come but I thought that I can pass this bad way and I will reach to Europe and the problems will be finish.After a lots of hard days and many problems I reached to Greece and I thought I finished my problems but that was just a dream. Moria is a small Afghanistan.insecure, not safe and a place where we get mental problems and many other problems.

We are the most bitter story of the world.

Milad (21)
Moria refugee camp, Greece, 19th of May

My name is Milad, 21 years old from Afghanistan. Before entering the European soil, I had some imaginations from Europe, for example, European countries respect a lot to human rights, so that Europe will be the best place to have a safe and comfortable life, but unfortunately, Moria refugee camp proved that it’s nothing but an imagination, I realized that in the first days in Moria. And I’ve been in this hell for five months.

In Moria, at days I’m facing to the danger which is treating people’s lives all around the world, COVID-19, which is treating my life as well because in this camp, unlike the rest of the world which people have the ability to protect themselves from this virus by washing their hands frequently, keeping their distance from each other or even having sufficient and suitable medical equipments and supplies to be far from getting infected by this virus, we don’t have enough medical supplies, we don’t have enough water to wash our hands, even we can’t keep our distance between each other because of long lines like food lines, shower lines, toilet lines, market lines, Doctor lines or even ATM line, and the reason is that because it is an overcrowded camp. And at nights I’m facing to the danger of being injured or killed in huge fights between refugees, which keeps me awake for hours at nights. I have to be awake in nights when fights are happening because of my safety.

Europe was a strong big hope for me like a narrow bright light in the deepest terrifying darkness days of my life, but Moria proved that it was nothing but an imagination and took that light from me and took me to another deepest terrifying darkness days of my life again in another place.

Nazanin (26)
Moria refugee camp, Greece, 19th of May

When it comes the name of Moria, immediately all the thoughts go through the terrible available situations inside the camp such as overcrowding problems, horrible sanitation, lack of basic needs like water, electricity fuel and…
Definitely these can be the most important and problematic issues that are visible at a glance but if we pay attention deeply there are more hidden and unsaid things, let’s think about the mother who crossed the dangerous borders to make her child’s future but lost her in the fire, nothing left but burnt bones.
The father who lost his innocent boy during the crazy fights and no one asked why? How?
Or Someone who came here to find peace and safety but is living in a more dangerous, unsafe and stressful place even more than the land he has come from.
The child whose toy was changed to a fake knife and trying to do, talk and shout just what he saw in the adults.
The girl who tried to learn, be independent and stand on her own feet but is even more vulnerable than ever that should rely on someone else to take one step out of his living area.
The people who are losing their mind, patient, tolerance due to living in this awful situation and dealing with so many challenges.

Yaser (16)
Moria refugee camp, Greece, 19th of May

Moria, hell of migrants, it’s a good place for criminals, murderers, rapists, thieves and fighters, a place where people have to stay in lines for hours, a place where there is only few clinics for 19000 of migrants, a place where there is no school for thousands of youngsters who came for a brighter future, a place where there is no water to wash our hands, a place full of trash, a place where police has no control over fights in there own homeland.
Three days ago a fight happened between volunteers of Movement and Team humanity, it was a huge fight more than five people were stabbed and police did nothing, later that day at night there was another fight between two Hazara and Panjshiri nations and I am pretty sure more than fifteen people were stabbed that night, in that morning I witnessed cut fingers on the ground.
Is that the how safe Europe is? Is this the humanity they are always talking about?
Please leave no one behind